

Features Explanation 1 month 3 month 6 month 12 month
Initial Evaluation In-depth initial discussion to understand your condition, lifestyle and food habits, dietary preferences and restrictions, fitness level, and specific health goals. This information will help us create the perfect program for you.
Comprehensive Diet Plans Receive standard or customized meal plans tailored to suit your dietary preferences and restrictions, lifestyle and food habits, and specific health goals. It may also include a variety of recipes, meal ideas, portion sizes, and other resources. 1 Customized Plan 3 Customized Plans 6 Customized Plans 12 Customized Plans
Nutrition Guidance Receive advice and support from expert nutritionists who will guide you through conditions like PCOS/Diabetes/Hypertension/Hashimoto etc.
Calorie and Macro Intake Keep your calories and macros intakes measured with our comprehensive meal plans.
Recipes Get access to unique Indian recipes, all macro-counted to fit your meal plan. This allows for variety in your daily meals, while ensuring that you stay on track with your health and fitness goals.
Grocery Lists Get grocery lists created based on availability at your neighborhood grocery stores. These take into account your dietary preferences and restrictions, health goals, and lifestyle habits.
Workout Routines Get standard or customized workout routines that you can follow at home or your gym. These are are created based on your fitness levels and to meet your specific health goals.
Expert Coaches Our coaches are experts in their fields with 20+ years of industry experience between them. A WOW coach will collaborate with you and provide regular guidance and mentoring based on your specific health and fitness objectives. 1 Nutrition Coach 1 Nutrition Coach 1 Nutrition Coach 1 Nutrition Coach
Unlimited Consultations Get your queries and concerns addressed with your coaches. These interactions will also enable your coaches to make adjustments to your programs based on your specific requirements.
Progress Tracking Stay motivated and track your progress with our comprehensive process, which includes goal setting, consultations, progress tracking, and measuring performance metrics. These will be via 1:1 video calls with your coaches. 2 Video Calls 6 Video Calls 12 Video Calls 24 Video Calls
WOW Community Get access to a highly engaging communiuty of like minded people with similar health goals, join weekly challenges to stay motivated.
Program Pause Take a break from your fitness program without losing progress or momentum by utilizing our program pause feature, which allows you to resume your program whenever you are ready. 15 days 30 days 60 days